obsarray: Measurement data handling in Python

obsarray: Measurement data handling in Python#

obsarray is an extension to xarray to support defining, storing and interfacing with measurement data - in particular, measurement uncertainty information using standardised metadata. It is designed to work well with netCDF files and for the Earth Observation community.

obsarray is part of the CoMet Toolkit (community metrology toolkit), and can combined with the punpy (propagating uncertainties in python) module for very simple propagation of defined data uncertainties through arbitrary python functions.

Quickstart Guide

New to obsarray? Check out the quickstart guide for an introduction.

User Guide

The user guide provides a documentation and examples how to use obsarray to handle measurement data.

API Reference

The API Reference contains a description the obsarray API.

Developer Guide

Guide for contributing to obsarray (under development).


obsarray has been developed by Sam Hunt.

The development has been funded by:

  • The UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s (BEIS) National Measurement System (NMS) programme

  • The IDEAS-QA4EO project funded by the European Space Agency.

Project status#

obsarray is under active development. It is beta software.